Detektiv Ermittlungsausrüstung

A+A Privatdetektivbüro AG investigates for corporate clients in financial crimes as well as in disputes with employees or competitors. In such cases, private detectives can obtain evidence that leads to elegant solutions to problems.

A+A detectives also conduct physical penetration tests to reveal weaknesses in the client’s corporate security.

Business investigations in companies, employees and business partners are often tricky. Therefore, choose a professional private detective office that is technically competent and masters its trade. The A+A Privatdetektivbüro AG team has been clearing up facts almost daily for years and securing evidence that can be used in court. Detective investigative equipment

The type of services offered is varied. However, it can also be formulated briefly:

We provide our customers with missing information and supporting documents. Our private investigators are eyewitnesses and are of course available to testify in court.


For further information on the services offered or to discuss a matter or a situation, please contact us.